Year in Review
A Grateful Reflection on God’s Faithfulness
As the year draws to a close, we take a moment to reflect on the many ways God has blessed
our church community here at Connections Church. From growth in our ministries to unexpected
provisions and acts of service, we see His hand at work in every corner of our church life.
Worship and Music
We rejoice in the staff addition of Jonah as our Worship Director this past May, whose
leadership has brought a new energy and focus to our worship. Additionally, Ally has also added
her wonderful voice and together they have been a tremendous blessing. We are grateful too
for the musicians who have also joined or stepped in to fill spots in our worship band.
Children and Youth Ministry
Our Kids’ Ministry has seen vibrant growth in leadership this year. Wendy continues to volunteer
her time to oversee the ministry. Ruth’s expanded role in middle and high school ministry is
shaping the next generation, while Kim has taken on crafts and curriculum planning with
creativity and dedication. We are thankful for Grace’s faithful service in bridging the gap after
Brooke’s departure, and we celebrate Elizabeth’s decision to join the team.
Practical Work and Remodel
Our church family came together to sort through basement items, deciding what to toss, give
away, or sell. The lower-level remodel project this summer was a huge undertaking in a short
amount of time and tangible reminder of God’s blessing our church with the opportunity to rent
out the lower level and to build relationships with the staff and families of Platte River Academy.
Ed and Bryan have also worked to keep up on other maintenance needs at the church.
Pastoral Blessings
We give thanks to God for all the pastors who preached for us for the first 6 months of the year
before the Gorters arrived in July. The apartment for the Gorters was furnished by many
donations from our church family and set up with love and care, showing our commitment to
hospitality and support. Sheryl’s taking the lead on this was greatly appreciated. Pastor John
and Barb have blessed us through Pastor John’s steady preaching and pastoral care over these
past 6 months. Pastor John and Barb’s love and prayers for the congregation has been a source
of comfort and encouragement.
Acts of Service
We are deeply grateful for members who continue to step forward, serving in new and fresh
ways. Their willingness to pour their time and talents into the church reflects their love for God
and His people.
- We hosted a 2-day Platte River Academy Back to School Bash, helping to establish a
connection with the families and staff. Barb R. coordinated so many of the activities for
the day! - We also had the privilege of serving a meal at Jesus on Colfax, ministering to those living
in poverty and trying to overcome addiction and/or struggles they face in life. It was a
powerful opportunity to extend Christ’s love through food, fellowship, and care. Others
gave financially to our offering for JOC. - We hosted our first Blood Drive through Joe’s coordination and look forward to doing this
again. - Through our Giving Trees, many gave toys and gifts to Open Doors Ministries and
clothing to the Jicarilla Apache Reformed Church. Heather continues to work with Brad
and Robin Kautz to see how we can support them through our summer mission trips.
Others have given financially to World Renew.
Community Building and Spiritual Growth
Bible study groups have continued to meet throughout the year, providing spaces for fellowship,
prayer, and deepening an understanding of God’s Word. Our monthly prayer gatherings have
been a vital time of intercession, as we come together to pray for our church and community.
Healthy Church Initiative
The well-attended retreat provided valuable input and the efforts of the Healthy Church team
have been pivotal in refining our vision. With the development of a new mission statement, we
look ahead with purpose and unity. Our mission statement: a welcoming community where
you can belong, connect with God, grow in faith following Jesus and reflect God’s love in
the world through His Spirit.
Search Committee
The formation of the Search Committee has been a significant step for our church. This team
has worked tirelessly to create a comprehensive church profile and Senior Pastor job
description, posted the position in November, and now pray, prepare for, and discern the
responses coming in.
Land Sale Journey
Through the ups and downs of the land sale process, we have seen God’s faithfulness in
guiding our steps and decisions.
Policies and Communication
Job descriptions and policies were put into place, offering clarity and structure for our ministries
moving forward. This year saw a major rewrite of our website, improving how we connect and
communicate. Amy has dedicated many hours of updating the site with a fresh look; the Healthy
Church team assisted in re-writing ministry information.
The generous giving of our members, including promissory notes, has been an incredible
display of trust and faith in God’s provision. As we recently shared the 2025 budget and the
shortage we face, members have already stepped up with additional giving.
In Summary
Though not everyone’s name is mentioned, so many of you have continued to be dedicated to
the ministry of our church, serving quietly behind the scenes, stepping up when asked or when
you see a need, and for that the Board and leadership are filled with gratitude for all that God
has done in and through our church.
We are reminded of these words from Scripture: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1.
Let us move forward into the new year with hearts full of hope, ready to continue serving Him and loving one another.
Jayne Tien
Director of Operations