We’re a community of ordinary people coming together to experience God’s love and grow in faith. Whether you’re new to faith or looking for a place to belong, we invite you to join us. Explore this page to learn about who we are, what we believe, and more about our church community.
You are invited to join us Sundays at 9:30 AM!
Our service is about 75 minutes with worship songs, a Biblical message and a little information about what’s happening in our community. Join us at our Highlands Ranch campus: 2121 Dad Clark Dr, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126.
Explore our past messages.
Catch up on past messages anytime, anywhere. Whether you prefer watching on YouTube or listening to podcasts, our sermons are easily accessible online to fit your schedule and style.
Get Connected!
If you want to check out everything happening at Connections Church, visit our What’s Happening calendar. You can find more information about our worship service, Bible studies, ministry opportunities and special community events.
What We Believe
Connections Church is a welcoming community where you can belong, connect with God, grow in faith following Jesus and reflect God’s love in the world through His Spirit.
We would love to hear from you!
Follow us on social media to stay updated on what’s happening in our community, or sign up for our weekly email newsletter to get all the latest news delivered straight to your inbox. If you have any questions or just want to learn more, feel free to reach out!