Support Local Ministry
Open Doors Ministries
Mission: to address poverty, build communities, and cultivate followers of Christ in Denver.
Gifts and sensory toys for 35 children, ages 4 – 14
- For the knitters in the church, hats have been requested.
- Sensory toys, puzzles, coloring books, stickers – here is a link to an Amazon Wish List. You can order directly from there and it will be delivered to the church.
For knitted hats and sensory items not ordered from the Amazon wish list, please bring un-wrapped, to our church by December 1 and place them under the Giving Trees.
Support Regional Ministry
Jicarilla Apache Reformed Church Ministry (JARC)
Located in Dulce, New Mexico, among the stunning yet challenging landscapes of the Jicarilla Apache Nation reservation, JARC serves a community facing substance abuse, family hardship, and limited resources. Pastor Brad Kautz, and his wife Robin, lead this ministry by offering weekly worship, Sunday school, youth programs, and community support. Through these efforts, JARC brings hope and healing through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Warm clothing for men and for women:
- XL, XXL coats — medium weight or heavy weight
- Waterproof hats and gloves
- Wool socks
Please bring items, un-wrapped, to our church by December 1 and place them under the Giving Trees.
Support Global Ministry
World Renew
Mission: compelled by a deep passion for justice and mercy, World Renew joins communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation.
We are collecting cash donations to pool and contribute to the following donation categories:
- Disaster Response Services for disaster-affected communities in North America by assessing needs and carrying out home rebuilding projects for the most vulnerable families. Those affected by the Rock Valley Iowa flooding earlier this year are relief recipients.
- Economic Opportunity: With investment and training, communities are taking control of their own development through savings and loan groups, livelihood and literacy training, and business start-ups.
Please write your checks to Connections Church, memo: “World Renew”. Your giving will be split 50/50 unless you write your preference in the memo line. For online giving, please use the World Renew tab.
Questions? Please reach out to Jayne Tien, Director of Operations, at or 562-243-4434.