This Sunday we wrap up our "Low Anthropology" series and look into our selfishness. Paul puts it this way...
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,"
~ Philippians 2:3
One of my best memories of ministry was working with Summer’s Best Two Weeks, a sports camp in western PA. It was two weeks of sports, worship, bible study and growing relationships. But through it all, with each activity, we were trying to teach and model to the campers that the best way to live is summarized in that simple statement:
Jesus first.
Others second.
I’m third.
To this day I still recite this words in my morning devotions.
This is the counter intuitive path to joy and fulfillment and discovering your calling in life:
Serving others.
In this series, inspired by David Zahl's book, "Low Anthropology: The Unlikely Key to a Gracious view of Others and Yourself" we'll explore the somewhat counter-intuitive and paradoxical idea of low anthropology.
"Many of us spend our days feeling like we’re the only one with problems, while everyone else has their act together. But the sooner we realize that everyone struggles like we do, the sooner we can show grace to ourselves and others."