This Sunday we continue our "Low Anthropology" series and look into our "Doubleness." Paul puts it this way...
"I do not understand what I do.
For what I want to do I do not do,
but what I hate I do."
~ Romans 7:15
A Native American parable pictures a father is talking to his son.
He tells him, “Everyone has two wolves inside of them. One wolf is violent, wild and destructive. The other wolf is disciplined, wise and generous. They are fighting inside of you.”
"Which wolf will win?” His troubled son asks.
His father answered,
“The wolf that will win is the wolf that is fed.”
The bible tells of a similar battle that goes on inside all people.
Yes, we are encouraged to feed the "good" wolf.
But we have more-
We have a savior who is able to deliver us from this battle of living a double life!
In this series, inspired by David Zahl's book, "Low Anthropology: The Unlikely Key to a Gracious view of Others and Yourself" we'll explore the somewhat counter-intuitive and paradoxical idea of low anthropology.
"Many of us spend our days feeling like we’re the only one with problems, while everyone else has their act together. But the sooner we realize that everyone struggles like we do, the sooner we can show grace to ourselves and others."