"... anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."
~ James 1:20
Have you noticed that many people seem really angry?
Like a constant, underlying rage that is ready to explode at any moment?
Anger isn't new.
And not all anger is bad.
But too many are living with a level of anger that is
personally destructive,
relationally toxic
and sinful against God.
This Sunday in our "God Help Me: Biblical Help For Mental Health" series we'll look into what the bible has to say about anger, and more specifically, what to do with the ungodly anger that is causing so much harm.
From Series: "God Help Me: Biblical Help for Mental Health"
The church is generally good about asking for help when someone is physically sick. No so much when it comes to mental health and illness.
But God cares about our mental health and the bible is not silent on matters of mental illness. This May 2022 we want to break the silence, de-stigmatize, and open the conversation about mental health awareness, and help, in the church.