It happens to all of us-
A mistake.
A failure.
A choice we can't take back.
Then we get stuck in that moment.
Reliving, replaying that scene over, and over and over...
How do we move on from failure?
Jesus' friend Peter made a monumental mistake.
Even after Easter, after the resurrection, Peter was still stuck.
So Jesus goes to him, and restores their relationship,
and Peter's calling to lead the church.
Please don't miss this Sunday.
Please take this opportunity to invite someone to worship who you know is struggling with something from their past that haunts them.
Resurrection, and Restoration, is available.
Each week of Lent we'll draw closer to Easter.
Each week will shed light on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Why did Jesus have to die?
How is his death essential for salvation?
What difference does the resurrection make in our lives and in our world?