Have you ever stopped to consider what "Christian" means?
Yes, it means we are aligning ourselves with Jesus.
But more,
we are identifying with his title of Christ.
And Christ means anointed.
So it means we are identifying with Jesus' anointing.
And why was Jesus anointed?
For burial.
When a person calls oneself "Christian,"
we are identifying with the death of Jesus,
and the death of our own lives.
He died that we might live.
We die that we can rise in him.
This Sunday we'll look into a story told in each of the gospels-
Jesus' anointing for burial.
It's truly awesome.
And the implications for us are truly life changing.
Each week of Lent we'll draw closer to Easter.
Each week will shed light on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Why did Jesus have to die?
How is his death essential for salvation?
What difference does the resurrection make in our lives and in our world?