We needed help.
We cried out to God.
Nothing seemed to happen.
Ever feel like God was "a day late and a dollar short"?
This Sunday we look into our seventh and final sign
in the book of John-
The raising of Lazarus.
Ask Mary and Martha,
Jesus seemed a day late and dollar short of answering their cry for help.
But God's timing is never wrong.
And in this case,
it points us to a greater miracle,
and a greater promise.
To get to resurrection,
you have to go through the grave.
I hope you'll join us this Sunday at 9:30am.
Don't be late!
For the next 7 weeks we look at the 7 miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Why did John highlight these miracles? What do they tell us about Jesus? And what does this mean for our faith?