"Eyes Wide Open"
"Who sinned, this man or his parents,
that he was born blind?"
~ John 9:2
We may be offended by the question,
but we've had the thought.
"Does God punish us for sin?"
On one level the answer is "Yes."
All suffering, sickness, disease and death has, at its root, the punishing consequences of sin.
But does God actually, punitively, punish you or me for sin?
In this case, the short answer is "No."
(Insert sigh of relief!)
But there's more-
Because people do sin.
And people do suffer...
And Jesus is doing something about it.
Join us this Sunday as we look at the sixth sign in John's gospel-
Healing the man born blind.
For the next 7 weeks we look at the 7 miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Why did John highlight these miracles? What do they tell us about Jesus? And what does this mean for our faith?