"Do whatever he tells you. "
~ John 2:5
The first miracle of Jesus.
Turning water to wine at a wedding.
It's been misunderstood and misrepresented by many.
John, the disciple who Jesus loved,
who doesn't even bother writing his gospel chronologically,
could have kicked off Jesus' ministry with any number of miracles.
So why this most obscure of all miracles,
turning water to wine,
and telling no one what had happened?
Maybe there's something deeper going on?
Maybe this is more than a mere parlor trick miracle?
There's meaning in the miracle that will help us understand
who Jesus is,
why he came, and
what it means to follow him.
For the next 7 weeks we look at the 7 miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Why did John highlight these miracles? What do they tell us about Jesus? And what does this mean for our faith?