C.S. Lewis captured the moment perfectly when he wrote in "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe," that it was,
"Always winter, but never Christmas."
He was talking about Narnia. But he was really talking about the world.
Perhaps that phrase still captures our world today-
Political turmoil.
Economic distress.
School shootings.
Riots and unrest...
700 years before Jesus would be born the prophet Isaiah was inspired to write this promise,
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
a light has dawned."
~ Isaiah 9:2
In Jesus we have seen the great light.
In Jesus the promise is fulfilled, and being fulfilled.
This Sunday we see how Jesus brought together all the hopes and dreams for one who would be the prophet, the priest, the king...
The Messiah.
This Sunday we kick-off our new series,
“Christmas In Focus”
Of course it’s about keeping Christ the focus.
It is far too easy to be swept up into the chaos of Christmas.
But it’s more.
For generations the promise of a savior was coming into focus-
He would be a prophet like Moses, bringing the word of God to the people;
a priest like the descendants of Aaron, bringing sacrifices to God;
and a king like David, ruling with justice and righteousness.
Like none before he would be the Prophet, the Priest and the King-
The promised Messiah.
The Christ.