"...because he belonged to the house and line of David."
~ Luke 2:4
We've looked at Jesus our Prophet.
And Jesus our Great High Priest.
Now we turn to Jesus our King.
Perhaps you've heard reference, or used the phrase yourself,
"Jesus, our Lord and Savior."
Think about that a moment:
He can only be our Savior if he is actually Lord, or King, of all creation.
And if he is our Savior, well, then we'd want to pledge our lives to him as our King.
This Sunday we'll dive deep into the Christmas story and how, perhaps more than anything else,
it is the story of a King-
A promised King.
A disruptive King.
An infant King.
More we'll learn that what the King claims, you give.
When the King calls, you come.
And what the King decrees, you do!
This Sunday we kick-off our new series,
“Christmas In Focus”
Of course it’s about keeping Christ the focus.
It is far too easy to be swept up into the chaos of Christmas.
But it’s more.
For generations the promise of a savior was coming into focus-
He would be a prophet like Moses, bringing the word of God to the people;
a priest like the descendants of Aaron, bringing sacrifices to God;
and a king like David, ruling with justice and righteousness.
Like none before he would be the Prophet, the Priest and the King-
The promised Messiah.
The Christ.