"Jesus first.
Others second.
I'm third."
This Sunday we look at our third "Sign of Belonging."
This is the counter-intuitive secret to true happiness.
We actually experience more joy in serving others than in being served.
Most us already know this.
We served another and experienced an incredible blessing.
So what stands in the way of our serving more?
It's usually one of three things:
We're too busy.
We're too important.
We're too insignificant.
Jesus addresses each of these and invites to serve like he did.
After all, "The Son of Man (Jesus) came not to be served but to serve..."
It speaks of something deep within us.
The need to have a people, a place, a purpose.
The need to be part of something bigger than our own lives,
The need to be seen.
The need to be vital.
Belonging does for us what soil does for seeds- It grounds us, nurtures us, and frees us to blossom.
Far too many live without belonging-
They are isolated, estranged and disconnected.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Discover the Signs of Belonging at Connections Church.
Bringer. Member. Server. Giver. Pastor.