When was the last time you lost something important?
Your phone.
Your car keys.
Your kid!!
Everything stopped.
Nothing was more important than finding the lost object of love.
In Luke 15 Jesus tells three stories,
all about lost things,
all pointing to this one life-changing, paradigm-shifting, status-quo shattering revelation...
God loves lost people.
This Sunday we'll look at Jesus' parables of lost things.
If you've ever felt lost,
or that you've wandered too far,
or that made too many mistakes,
or that you're just not worthy of love...
Jesus has come to seek and save the lost.
A "gambit" was originally a chess term.
The King's Gambit is an opening move in which a player sacrifices material, usually a pawn, with the hope of achieving a resulting advantageous position.
“Sacrifice a player to achieve an advantageous position.”
God made a sacrifice on our behalf.
The King of Heaven became human and was nailed to a cross.
But that move has gained us a great advantage-
By his sacrifice we can have eternal life.
This Sunday we start our Easter Season.
We walk with Jesus through the moves that led to his death, burial and resurrection.
Our King’s Gambit has won victory over sin and death!