"I am making everything new!"
Jesus, Revelation 21:5
Most of us have a love/hate relationship with New Year's Resolutions-
Some have stuck and changed your life.
Some have failed and left you feeling guilt and shame.
God promises us a "Redo!"
In Jesus we can experience a spiritual rebirth.
And in our rebirth we have the spiritual power for ongoing transformation and life change.
Join us January 2021 as we hit the reset button.
Because of Jesus you can be born again
and your life can be changed forever!
"I am making everything new!"
Jesus, Revelation 21:5
Most of us have a love/hate relationship with New Year's Resolutions-
Some have stuck and changed your life.
Some have failed and left you feeling guilt and shame.
God promises us a "Redo!"
In Jesus we can experience a spiritual rebirth.
And in our rebirth we have the spiritual power for ongoing transformation and life change.
Join us January 2021 as we hit the reset button.
Because of Jesus you can be born again
and your life can be changed forever!